How To Go And Live In Heaven, Paradise, And The Land Of Bliss
I’m looking for a way to let go of my stress
The stress people have comes from the mind world that they possess. The human mind is made up of the karma, which is the life that each individual has lived, habits inherited from the ancestors, and the body. So, when you eliminate this mind itself, the stress...
I want to change my thoughts
If you are to change your thoughts, first of all, you should find out where those thoughts are coming from—only then can you change your thoughts. Your thoughts arise from your mind, and your mind is composed of the habits you inherited from your ancestors, karma,...
How can I get rid of my anxiety?
The human mind is made of the habits inherited from the parents, karma, which are the remembered thoughts that one comes to have from the life lived, and the body. Every person has a different mind because no one has the same remembered thoughts of the life lived,...